Have you ever met a cat who was more curious than a toddler? This little…
Portrait Of Rupee and Midnas – Commission
Meet Rupee and Midnas, two beautiful cats who live in Australia. It was a delight to paint these two. I used watercolour on Cornwall paper, a lovely textured paper by Hahnemuhle. I used lots of colour, allowing it to mix and run on the paper. Rupee has lots of gold in her coat so I used some gorgeous Indian yellow to give her that warm glow.
Tabby cats give me a great excuse for lots of delicious colours. I really love this warm, glowing Indian Yellow. It’s such a beautiful colour, especially alongside Cascade Green, Ultramarine Blue in her stripes.

Midnas has lots of blues and purples in her coat. There are lovely passages where colours mingle. Her coat is full of gorgeous colour, lots of ultramarine blue, purple and violet with Indian yellow, orange and cobalt violet for those lovely hot colours.

And here they are all finished. Rupee has teal whiskers and Midnas has lilac whiskers.

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