Golden whiskers, emerald eyes, what a gem. I wanted to capture the beauty of this…
Whats Up? Bengal Cat Painting – SOLD
The first of the paintings I’ve been working on for the upcoming shows. This lovely lady is Dazzledots Fashion Show – known as Milla to her friends. I’ve been wanting to do a Bengal in profile for a while and Mara Summers of Dazzledots Bengals very kindly let me use Milla as a model. As you can see she has a very beautiful profile and I loved the pose. I wanted to keep it very simple behind her, so I chose a neutral blue/green colour that really sets of her colouring well. I don’t know why but this colour feels quite American and she’s an American cat so it seemed to fit her perfectly.
I painted her with a knife so the paint is juicy and thick with lots of colour in her coat.
Her eyes are the most important part of the painting so I painted those carefully with fine brushes to get the curve right.
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